Julio García Espinosa & ‘imperfect cinema’
Workshop and screenings at BIMI Birkbeck Cinema, 43 Gordon Square, London, WC1H 0PD 17-18 March 2017 – Register here Julio interviewed in 1983
Workshop and screenings at BIMI Birkbeck Cinema, 43 Gordon Square, London, WC1H 0PD 17-18 March 2017 – Register here Julio interviewed in 1983
‘Money Puzzles’ will screen at the Havana International Film Festival 2016 in the section ‘Other Latitudes – Documentary Panorama’ Thursday 15 December, 8pm / Friday 16 December, 10am Infanta Cinema 4
‘Memories of Underdevelopment’ by T.G.Alea, (Michael Chanan, Ed.) Rutgers University Press, 1990 (Rutgers Films in Print) The book includes the script of the film, the novella by Edmundo Desnoes on which it is based, and a collection … Continue reading
Cuban Cinema University of Minnesota Press, 2004 This is the second edition of ‘The Cuban Image: Cinema and Cultural Politics in Cuba’ (BFI/Indiana University Press,1984) Read a review in Afterimage
Neoliberalism and Global Cinema Capital, Culture, and Marxist Critique Edited by Jyotsna Kapur, Keith Wagner Using film, this study investigates the cultural politics of neoliberalism. Includes Michael Chanan, ‘Cuban Cinema: A Case of Accelerated Underdevelopment’ Forthcoming, Routledge, April 2011